

Our collective activities take many forms, including monthly internal seminars (team-only), as well as events and interventions presenting our work in progress to a diverse audience (symposiums, seminars, conferences, scientific communications, public lectures, etc.).

Conference ICM Gisti La Contemporaine

Conference ICM Gisti La Contemporaine

Gisti was born fifty years ago. A conference organized at Nanterre University on March 15 and 16 looks back at some of the key moments in the association’s history.

At Georges Perec’s places

At Georges Perec’s places

Claire Zalc investigates the places where Georges Perec lived, in search of traces of his story. Four places to tell the story of an orphan of the Holocaust, a lover of words, a son of immigrants, an inhabitant of literature.

Histoire & Mesure Journal workshop

Histoire & Mesure Journal workshop

On March 5, Claire Zalc takes part in a workshop on the theme “Pratiquer, enseigner, former aux méthodes quantitatives en sciences”.

2024 seminar for FMS fellows

2024 seminar for FMS fellows

Franciszek Zakrzewski takes part in the Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Shoah fellows’ seminar on January 18.

SSHA 2023 Conference

SSHA 2023 Conference

Gabrielle Escaich speaks at the Washington conference on November 18

Lessons & Legacies Europe 2023

Lessons & Legacies Europe 2023

Claire Zalc and Franek Zakrzewski speak at the Lessons & Legacies Europe 2023 conference, held in Prague from November 6 to 10.

Le pogrom de Lviv, juin 1941

Le pogrom de Lviv, juin 1941

Thomas Chopard publishes about the Lviv progrom of June 1941 on the Encyclopedia of European Digital History website.

“Counting the dead”

“Counting the dead”

On October 6, 2023, Claire Zalc dialogues with Paul-André Rosental and Guillaume Calafat at the RDV de l’histoire de Blois on the theme of counting.

POLIN International Conference, Warsaw

POLIN International Conference, Warsaw

Claire Zalc and Thomas Chopard take part in the international conference “East Central Europe at the Crossroads: Jewish Transnational Networks and Identities” in Warsaw.

New Holocaust Research in Poland

New Holocaust Research in Poland

Claire Zalc is invited by Jan Grabowski to take part in this important meeting to support historical research on the Holocaust in Poland.

Tout de moi ne disparaîtra pas

Tout de moi ne disparaîtra pas

On April 15, Claire Zalc moderates the discussion between Judith Lyon-Caen, Elias Herody and Joanna Grudzinska, director of this documentary screened at Saint-André-des-Arts.

Doctoral Workshop

Doctoral Workshop

Claire Zalc’s doctoral students present and discuss their work on Friday, March 24, 2023.