October 2023 activities

October 27, 2023

UC Berkeley Conference


Conference organized by Robert Braun and Scott Straus

Claire Zalc talks about the Holocaust.

October 11, 2023

Migrations et persécutions au 20e siècle seminar


The seminar takes place this year under the direction of Claire Zalc and Thomas Chopard.

October 7, 2023

Rendez-vous de l’histoire, Blois (2)


Round table “Un nom, c’est bien souvent tout ce qui reste” with Claire Zalc, Jérémie Foa, Paulin Ismard, moderated by Sylvie Steinberg

October 6, 2023

Rendez-vous de l’histoire, Blois (1)


 “Compter les morts”

Claire Zalc dialogues with Paul-André Rosental and Guillaume Calafat at the RDV de l’histoire de Blois on the theme of counting.

October 2023

Le pogrom de Lviv, juin 1941


Thomas Chopard publishes about the Lviv progrom of June 1941 on the Encyclopedia of European Digital History website.