November 2023 activities

November 2023

Release in Journal of Migration History

Claire Zalc, Anton Perdoncin & Gabrielle Escaich, “The Dynamics of Mobility and Immobility in the Face of Danger: Polish Jewish Migrations during the 1930s from Below“, Journal of Migration History, vol. 9, n°3, 2023, p. 323-355

November 16-19, 2023

2023 SSHA Conference

Washington, November 16-19, 2023

SSHA annual conference: Pursuits of Wellbeing

Social Mobility through the Lens of Housing: Comparing and Explaining the Social Trajectories of Children of Migrants in the United States from the Censuses (1910-1950) • Gabrielle Escaich, ERC Lubartworld, Ecole Normale Supérieure, New York University

From Hometown to American School: Understanding the Educational Trajectories of Different Generations of Children of Migrants from the Same Town (1900s-1970s) • Gabrielle Escaich, ERC Lubartworld, Ecole Normale Supérieure, New York University

November 6-10, 2023

Lessons & Legacies Europe 2023

Prague, 6-9 November 2023

Lessons & Legacies Europe: Bridging Disciplines, Histories, and Cultures

Claire Zalc, with Anton Perdoncin and Gabrielle Escaich: “Counting on a Micro Scale? Flee Movements, Forced Displacement, Deportation and Survival. The Case of the Jews of Lubartów (Poland) during the Holocaust”

Franciszek Zakrzewski : “Who is My Neighbour? Changes in Social Structure of a Market Square during the Holocaust”