November 2021 actualities

November 23

Quanti for Historians Seminar 21-22 Program

The 2021-2022 program of the seminar “Quanti for Historians” is online!

November 22

Claire Zalc finalist for the 2022 Weber Book Prize

Claire Zalc is one of the six finalists for the 2022 Eugen Weber Book Prize in French History.

November 16

Thomas Chopard at the seminar Baltic areas

On November 16, 2021, Thomas Chopard speaks with Alain Blum and Emilia Koustova in the “Baltic areas” seminar at Inalco.

November 11-14

Social Science History Association Annual Conference

Claire Zalc, Pierre Mercklé & Anton Perdoncin participate in the 2021 SSHA Annual Conference.

November 10

Gitanos entre Europa y las Américas

Adèle Sutre participates on November 10 in a round-table discussion on the book by Neyra Patricia Alvarado, Nombrar y circular, Gitanos entre Europa y las Americas.