Quantitative History: Revue des Annales special issue

April 1st 2020

A new publication by Claire Zalc


Quantitative history is at a crossroad. This special issue of the French journal Revue des Annales, coordinated by Karine Karila-Cohen, Claire Lemercier, Isabelle Rosé and Claire Zalc, gathers innovative examples of current historical quantitative research.


Karila-Cohen, Karine, Claire Lemercier, Isabelle Rosé, and Claire Zalc. “Nouvelles cuisines de l’histoire quantitative.” Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales 73, no. 4 (2018): 771–83. https://www.cairn.info/revue-annales-2018-4-page-771.htm.

See the whole special issue

Visit the Revue des Annales website