Commemoration of the roundup of September 11, 1942 in the North and Pas de Calais

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Monday, September 12, 2022, 2:00-4:30 p.m. approximately, Jean Nohain room in Lens

Commemoration organized by the Mémorial de la Shoah

Screening of Alice Ekman’s film Mathilde et Rosette
Presentation of the film by Alice Ekman
Speech by Franck Fajnkuchen on his family history and his book (Fajnkuchen Franck, Yzkor. Une famille juive en France entre 1940 et 1944, Beaumontois-en-Périgord, Les éditions Secrets de Pays, 2021, 182 p., préface d’Élisabeth Badinter, postface de Bernard Revirego)
Interventions by Nicolas Mariot and Claire Zalc on the context of the roundup, the genesis of their investigation in Lens, and its main results