Claire Zalc presents “Z” at CRH

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Monday, April 11, 2022, 2-5pm

Centre de recherches historiques, EHESS (Salle AS1_08) 54 boulevard Raspail 75006 Paris)

Les Lundis du CRH around the book by Claire Zalc, Z ou souvenirs d’historienne, Paris, Editions de la Sorbonne, 2021.

This book is not an ego-history. Nor is it a synthesis thesis. Claire Zalc seizes with originality the motif of the retrospective writing of the scholarly “I” and transforms the exercise into a treasure hunt. She remembers. First of all, she remembers having always read and worked from the work of Georges Perec.
The arbitrary and elective affinities that link her to his history and his practices draw an approach to the profession as well as to the discipline. The historian’s itinerary meets that of the writer without ever merging with it.
From W to Z, two alternating ways of thinking about the return of experiences of the self are intertwined, between biographical narrative and academic path. This is not just a memoir of childhood, adolescence, student or confirmed young researcher. The inspired and documentary mode of writing shows the infra-ordinary of scientific elaboration. Rewritings and embedded rereadings compose a narrative that is at once literary, intimate and scholarly, where a history of social science emerges.

In the presence of the author, the session is animated by Raphaël Morera, with discussions by Judith Lyon-Caen (CRH), Bertrand Muller (EHESS, CMH) & Renaud Morieux (University of Cambridge).