Workshop: Les égouts de Lviv

Les égouts de Lviv – Workshop

June 6, 2024 from 9.30 am to 5.00 pm

Centre Malher (9 rue Malher Paris 4e), amphi Dupuis


From June 1943 to the end of July 1944, a group of ten Jews survived the Holocaust by hiding in the sewers of Lviv (Lwów), Western Ukraine, with the help of three non-Jewish Polish sewage workers. This extraordinary story of survival quickly became famous: several survivors testified on several occasions, in a variety of settings and media: documentaries, books, press articles, fiction films… Until, in 2021, a team of Ukrainian researchers and “urban explorers” found the main hiding place and established the path taken underground by the group.
In 2024, the workshop proposed to conduct an original investigation into this story of hiding, survival and transmission, in the company of Henri Berestycki, son of one of the survivors and director of studies at the EHESS. Distancing himself from any anecdotal approach, he combined research into the social history of clandestinity and survival, the paths taken by survivors before and after the war and their relationships with their rescuers, with a study of the stratified and sometimes competing ways in which memory and narratives are enacted. The aim of the workshop was to train students in research through research, and on June 6, 2024, it will culminate in a colloquium giving them the opportunity to present their research findings, at the crossroads of different methodological and thematic approaches.
This workshop is organized by Thomas Chopard (CRH, EJ-HHS), Judith Lyon-Caen (CRH, GRIHL-HHS) & Claire Zalc (IHMC/CRH, HHS) with the support of CRH and of EHESS.



9h30 – Mots d’introduction – Romain Huret (EHESS) (sous réserve)

9h45 – Présentation générale – Judith Lyon-Caen, Claire Zalc, Thomas Chopard

10h15 – 11h30
Discutante : Nancy L. Green (EHESS, CRH)

Les survivants des égouts de Lviv, essai de prosopographie
Suhail Gharaibeh, Nana Maglakelidze, Corisande Mouhanna

« Heureux comme Dieu en France » ? Trajectoire d’une famille de survivants de la Shoah
Mona Laboulle, Victor Marietti

11h45 – 13h
Discutante : Constance Pâris de Bollardière (AUP)

La trajectoire testimoniale de Krystyna Chiger, survivante de la Shoah
Pamela Bazan, Louise Todd

Des témoignages au récit : Représentations des survivants des égouts de Lviv dans le film documentaire et livre de Robert Marshall
Gabija Bubnyte, Sophia McDaniel

13h30 – 14h45
Discutant : Raphaël Morera (CNRS, CRH)

Vivre cachés dans les égouts (1943-1944)
Léa Delautel, Saly Touré, Valentine Devulder

De « simples » égoutiers « illettrés » devenus Justes parmi les Nations
Juliette Cohen-Solal, Rémi Emorine

15 h – 16h15
Discutante : Irina Tcherneva (CNRS, Eur’ORBEM)

A « so-called Holocaust film ». La genèse et la réception du film In Darkness d’Agnieszka Holland, entre enjeux mémoriels et débats cinématographiques
Juliette Huot, Léa Libi, Chloé Tendyck

De la découverte à la patrimonialisation des égouts de Lviv : un réseau d’acteurs et d’entrepreneurs de mémoire dans un paysage mémoriel concurrentiel
Chloé Rouillon, Agathe Weil

16h30 – Mots de conclusions  – Henri Berestycki (EHESS, CAMS)